- NEUBrew Site Operators Manual Version 1.0 [PDF]
- Brewer Operations Manual [PDF]
- Brewer Ozone Spectrophotometer Maintenance Manual [PDF]
- Brewer MKIV Spectrophotometer Service Manual [PDF]
- Brewer MKIV Service Drawings [PDF]
- IC-485 RS-232-to-RS-485 Converter Users Manual [PDF]
- ICC-11 RS-232-to-RS-485 Converter Users Manual [PDF]
- Glossary [HTML]
- Acronyms
Brewer Software
- GW-Basic Software & Modified and New Brewer Subroutines [HTTP]
- Software Description by Kipp & Zonnen [PDF]
- Modified and New GW-Basic Documentation [PDF]
- Brewer Command Summary [PDF]
NEUBrew Read-Me Files
- Brewer B-File Readme [PDF]
- Brewer CI-File Readme [PDF]
- Brewer U-File (Umkehr) Readme [PDF]
- Brewer UV-File (Extended UV) Readme [PDF]
- Brewer Y-File (PS-Routine) Readme [PDF]
NEUBrew Operation Schedules
- NEUBrew Schedule Downloads [HTTP]
Brewer Instrument Characterization CUCF (Central UV Calibration Facility)
- Cosine Response (future Document) [PDF]
- Responsivity (future Document) [PDF]
- Resolution (future Document) [PDF]
Algorithms and Procedures
- Counts Normalization, Corrections and Poisson noise [PDF]
- UV Index and Daily UV Erythemal Dose Calculations [PDF]
- Spike Detection and Correction [PDF]
- Stray Light Correction [PDF]
- Cosine Angular Response Correction [PDF]
- UV Responsivity Temperature Correction [PDF]
- Rayleigh Optical Depths Used By Brewer [PDF]
- Wavelength Shift Correction (future Document) [PDF]
- Responsivity Drift and Instability Correction (future Document) [PDF]
Operational Procedures Prepared at University of Georgia, Athens for EPA first Brewer Network
- The Site Operator’s Standard Operating Procedure for the Brewer Spectrophotometer [PDF]
- Procedure for using the external 50 Watt lamp kit [PDF]
- Procedure for aligning mirror and shutter [PDF]
- Procedure for measuring angular dependence [PDF]
- Procedure for checking HG lamp [PDF]
- Procedure for checking standard lamp [PDF]
- Procedure for maintenance filter wheel #3 [PDF]
- Procedure for maintenance filter wheels #1 and #2 [PDF]
- Procedure for performing a vertical to horizontal irradiance [PDF]
- Procedure for optimizing PMT high voltage [PDF]
- Procedure for positioning micrometer [PDF]
- Procedure for replacing a micrometer and drive shaft [PDF]
- Procedure for resetting a jammed micrometer [PDF]
- Procedure for servicing the zenith prism mechanical drive system [PDF]
- Procedure for checking and adjusting the zenith prism alignment [PDF]