Solar Geometry Calculator


Local UTC     SolarZen and Elev Uncorrected for Atmospheric Refaction
yyyy MM dd HH:mm      AirMass   SolarZen       Elev       Azim
2024 09 23 02:00     -1.00000  103.02316  -13.02316  280.89561
2024 09 23 03:00     -1.00000  114.05774  -24.05774  291.64182
2024 09 23 04:00     -1.00000  124.21863  -34.21863  304.31876
2024 09 23 05:00     -1.00000  132.75738  -42.75738  320.14190
2024 09 23 06:00     -1.00000  138.53435  -48.53435  340.03494
2024 09 23 07:00     -1.00000  140.25820  -50.25820    3.02918
2024 09 23 08:00     -1.00000  137.41840  -47.41840   25.50575
2024 09 23 09:00     -1.00000  130.82363  -40.82363   44.35972
2024 09 23 10:00     -1.00000  121.79161  -31.79161   59.28172
2024 09 23 11:00     -1.00000  111.36297  -21.36297   71.37632
2024 09 23 12:00     -1.00000  100.20437  -10.20437   81.82011
2024 09 23 13:00     21.69325   88.75405    1.24595   91.56124
2024 09 23 14:00      4.46028   77.35774   12.64226  101.40872
2024 09 23 15:00      2.47961   66.37529   23.62471  112.18804
2024 09 23 16:00      1.79682   56.29103   33.70897  124.88588
2024 09 23 17:00      1.48778   47.85365   42.14635  140.67305
2024 09 23 18:00      1.34792   42.18546   47.81454  160.39260
2024 09 23 19:00      1.31424   40.53240   49.46760  183.04716
2024 09 23 20:00      1.37390   43.37241   46.62759  205.17098
2024 09 23 21:00      1.55031   49.92255   40.07745  223.80988
2024 09 23 22:00      1.92977   58.90609   31.09391  238.63806
2024 09 23 23:00      2.80545   69.30228   20.69772  250.69504
2024 09 24 00:00      5.77897   80.44989    9.55011  261.11718
2024 09 24 01:00     -1.00000   91.91213   -1.91213  270.83526
2024 09 24 02:00     -1.00000  103.34525  -13.34525  280.65376

-90.0 to +90.0, Negative for South, Positive for North.

-180.0 to +180.0, Negative for East, Positive for West.

Start Date:
Enter start date in the format yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm [UTC]

End Date:
Enter end date in the format yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm [UTC]

The internal (in seconds) between successive solar calculations.

Date Format:
yyyy/MM-dd_DDD hh:mm:ss aa
Air mass
If the sun is below the horizon, Air mass = -1.0000. Toggle the checkbox to enable/disable column in report.

Air mass Calculation
Airmass = 1.0/(cos(90 - elev) + 0.50572 * (6.07995 + elev)-1.6364)

Solar Zenith Angle
Solar elevation in Degrees from zenith (90°). Angles are corrected for atmospheric diffraction. Toggle the checkbox to enable/disable column in report.

Solar elevation in Degrees above horizon (0 degrees). Angles are corrected for atmospheric diffraction. Toggle the checkbox to enable/disable column in report.

Sun azimuth, 0° = N, 90° = E, 180° = S, 270° = W. Toggle the checkbox to enable/disable column in report.