Spanish Flat, CA

      Site ID:     snf
      Latitude:     38.538930 N
      Longitude:     -122.233800 W
      Elevation:     214 meters
      Active:     Y
      Site Table:     Site Table
      Data:     Realtime Display

Instrument Name     Project Name     Install Date     Data Types

Instrument Name     Project Name     Install Date     Removal Date     Data Types
Temp/RH CS215     Hydrometeorology Testbed - West     2014-09-09     2024-01-29          view

  OutageID     SiteID     Failure Type     Start Date      End Date      Description     Resolution Description  
737 snf Communication - Cellular 2020-08-19 00:01:08 2021-07-19 21:24:00 Unable to connect to cellular modem. Fire damage assessed on 2021-07-19. Equipment repaired/replaced except for soil-moisture sensors. Cellular modem firmware updated
434 snf Hardware - Instrument 2014-12-07 01:20:00 2015-01-08 02:00:00 Battery voltage dropped to nonstaining levels most likely due cloud covering solar cells ability to charge. Replaced battery.