Palmer Station, Antarctica

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TerraLab Building - Palmer

Angles:   BG:

Latitude:64°46' S [-64.767]
Longitude:64°03' W [-64.05]
Elevation:21 Meters ASL
Date Installed:May 1988
Solar Season:January-December
Instrumentation:SUV-100, GUV-511, PSP, TUVR

Palmer Station, established by the United States in 1965, is located on Anvers Island, slightly outside the Antarctic Circle. The station is manned year-round and has diverse flora and fauna. Various experiments, primarily related to biological sciences, take advantage of the laboratory and field facilities. The station is normally only accessible by ice-strengthened boat at intervals of approximately one month.

The SUV spectroradiometer system at Palmer Station was originally installed in the roof of the vestibule of the Clean Air Building in May 1988, but was relocated to Building T-5 in March 1993. In May 2006, it was relocated to the new TerraLab building, which replaces T-5. The instrument is operated by research associates from the Antarctic Support Contractor (ASC) Data are transferred automatically to Boulder, CO via the Internet.