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Briggsdale, Colorado, United States
Site code CAR
Data providerKathryn McKain, and Colm Sweeney
NOAA Global Monitoring Laboratory

Figure 1. Longitude, latitude, and altitude information of specific aircraft profiles.

Figure 2. Residuals of posterior simulation (posterior - observed) for specific aircraft profiles, shown as a function of date and sample elevation. Units are 10-9 mol mol-1 of CH4 (ppb). Each dot represents one observation.

Figure 3. Statistical summary of residuals for specific aircraft profiles, shown as a function of elevation. Units are 10-9 mol mol-1 of CH4 (ppb). The top figure shows the residuals with no data assimilation (Prior-Observed), and the bottom figure shows the post-assimilation residuals (Posterior-Observed). The black line represents mean residuals, the red lines represent the standard deviation of residuals, and the blue lines represent the upper and lower limits of model-data-mismatch (MDM), binned at every 1-km interval. Statistics in the top-left box of each subplot indicate averaged residuals (mu), a standard deviation of residuals (sigma), averaged model-data-mismatch (MDM), and chi-squared statistics (chi-squared).