Employee Spotlight: Meet Lantao Sun

Lantao Sun
Lantao Sun

April 25, 2016

CIRES research scientist Lantao Sun began working at PSL's Attribution and Predictability Assessments Team in February 2015. His favorite work is to use models to study the dynamics of Earth's climate. Lantao is specifically interested in Arctic-midlatitudes linkage, stratosphere-troposphere coupling and El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) teleconnections. His current foci include the impact of Arctic sea ice loss on the atmospheric circulation and surface climate, and role of stratospheric processes in predicting ENSO-North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) connections on subseasonal time scales.

Lantao acted as a postdoc at Cornell University and the National Center for Atmospheric Research prior to joining PSL, and he earned his PhD from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 2010.

Visit Lantao's staff profile page for more information.