HATS CGO Station

Cape Grim Observatory, Australia - CGO

Station Information

Latitude: 40.41° S Longitude: 144.69° E

Elevation: 94 m (roof deck) Time zone: UT + 10 hours

Air intake elevations: 97 m (ground), 104 m (10 m), and 164 m (70 m)

Telephone: +61 4 521629 (Smithton Office)
Telephone: +61 4 522 181 (Station)
Fax: +61 4 522 600
Email: austmet.rands@omnet.com
Office hours: 8:45 - 17:00 local time (+1 h in summer)



Cape Grim Baseline Air Pollution Station
P.O. Box 346
Smithton, Tasmania 7330


159 Nelson Street
Smithton, Tasmania 7330

The observatory as seen from the air, showing the station buildings and the sampling tower.

The site:

Cape Grim Observatory is an internationally reknown baseline station with many ongoing local and international cooperating programs. The site is located at the north-west corner of Tasmania, Australia and has predominant westerly winds that make it ideal for sampling of unpolluted air. The station is permanently staffed with about eight officers plus temporary staff, and has about 14 lead scientists for the local projects.

Non- HATS research is being conducted for many trace gases such as CO, CO2, CH4, ozone, radon, as well as for radiation and meteorological information. For HATS, the observatory is one of seven cooperating sites where we have flask samples collected by station personnel on a regular basis. Those samples are being shipped back to our Boulder laboratory, where they are analyzed on at least 3 GC systems.

Contact for HATS activities:

Dr. James W. Elkins (principal investigator , NOAA)