Select data for a particular time period from an input file --include=.*,2012:1,2012:2 inputfile.cpd3

Select a particular variable from a data stream

... | --include=X1c_A81 |...

Remove size-cut distinction from variables in data stream

... | --include=':::cover:!' --set-flavor-remove=cover | ...
... | --set-flavor-remove=pm1 | --set-flavor-remove=pm10 | ...

Remove neph zero data to enable calculating the average for an entire period. Normally, da.avg will break the data into hourly averages because the metadata for the zeros specifies that they shouldn't be averaged (normally correct, you don't want zeros being folded into hourly averages if you put the two together, since the zero specify “segments” rather than values). This is, unfortunately, hard to do because it was designed to “do the right thing” by default, so it ends up being complicated when you want to override the intelligence (also applies to the cut sizes above). However, can do this:

... | --path="^Smoothing" --path-apply=:raw_meta: --explicit-meta=true --path-remove=true | da.avg --interval=undef | ...

What is the percentage of hours that the nephelometer RH was above 40% at EGB and is there any any seasonal dependence? (Change the –interval=1mo to –interval=undef to get a single coverage number for the whole time.)

data.get egb S11a 2010 2014 avgh | --include=U_S11 | da.where --include='U_S11 > 40' | da.avg --interval=1mo | --include=':::cover:!' --set-flavor-remove=cover | da.export

Is there any annual cycle in the % of hours for which Bsp(PM1) < 1.0 Mm-1 at EGB?

data.get egb S11a 2010 2014 avgh | --include=::BsG_S11:pm1 | da.where --include='BsG_S11 < 1' | da.avg --interval=1mo | --include=':::cover:!' --set-flavor-remove=cover | da.export