Curriculum Vitae


October 10, 1934


EDUCATION: B.A. Physics, Rice University, 1957, Ph.D. Physics, University of Texas, 1962

EMPLOYMENT: Currently, Senior Research Scientist with the Cooperative Institute in the Environmental Sciences (CIRES) of the University of Colorado. Prior to this, Senior Scientist at ESRL of the Department of Commerce (DOC) National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

American Chemical Society
American Physical Society
American Geophysical Union

Franklin Scholarship, Rice Institute, 1956-1957
General Atomics Summer Research Fellowship, San Diego, California, 1960
Gold Medal Group Award, 1965, Department of Commerce
Outstanding Paper Award (Group), 1965, Department of Commerce
RESA Outstanding Boulder Scientist of the Year, 1969
Outstanding Paper Award, 1970, Department of Commerce
NOAA Administrator's Award, 1981, Department of Commerce
Outstanding Paper Award, 1982, Department of Commerce
Outstanding Paper Award, 1988, Department of Commerce
Gold Medal, 1996, Department of Commerce
NOAA Administrator's Award, 2000, Department of Commerce
Outstanding Paper Award, 2003, Department of Commerce
Presidential Rank Award, 2003
Silver Metal, 2004, Department of Commerce

Gaseous Electronics Conference Chairman, 1977, 1978
Fellow, Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES)
Associate Director, Environmental Chemistry Division, CIRES
Member, Advisory Group for the Global Change Program of Environmental Protection Agency
Member, National Academy of Sciences Committee on Atmospheric Chemistry
Member, National Research Council Committee on Tropospheric Ozone Formation and Measurement
Fellow, American Geophysical Union Committee of Visitors for NSF Atmospheric Chemistry Program
Science Advisory Committee for the Atmosphere/Ocean Chemistry Experiment (AEROCE)
Convener, Non-Methane Hydrocarbon Inventory for International Global Atmospheric Chemistry Project
Convener, North Atlantic Regional Experiments (NARE) for International Global Atmospheric Chemistry Project
Co-chairman, Atmospheric Chemistry Project, Climate and Global Change Program of NOAA
Member of the Steering Committee for IGAC
Chairman, Observations Working Group for the Strategic Plan of the North American Research Strategy for Tropospheric Ozone (NARSTO)
Executive Committee, Southern Oxidant Study
Science Coordinating Committee, Texas Air Quality Study, 2000
Co-leader, Regional Processes Theme, CIRES, 2000
Co-convener, Intercontinental Transport and Chemical Transformation project, IGAC II, 2000
Leader, Science Coordinating Committee, NEAQS/ITCT/ICARTT, 2004
Science Coordinating Committee, Texas Air Quality Study, 2006

Selected Publications:
Fahey, D.W., C.S. Eubank, G. Hübler, and F.C. Fehsenfeld, Evaluation of a catalytic reduction technique for the measurement of total reactive odd-nitrogen NOy in the atmosphere, J. Atmos. Chem., 3, 435-468, 1985.

Trainer, M., E.J. Williams, D.D. Parrish, M.P. Buhr, E.J. Allwine, H.H. Westberg, and F.C. Fehsenfeld, Models and observations of the impact of natural hydrocarbons on rural ozone, Nature, 329, 705- 707, 1987.

Langford, A.O., and F.C. Fehsenfeld, Natural vegetation as a source or sink for atmospheric ammonia: A case study, Science, 255, 581-583, 1992.

Fehsenfeld, F., J. Calvert, R. Fall, P. Goldan, A. B. Guenther, C. N. Hewitt, B. Lamb, S. Liu, M. Trainer, H. Westberg, and P. Zimmerman, Emissions of volatile organic compounds from vegetation and the implications for atmospheric chemistry, Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 6, 389-430, 1992.

Williams, E.J., and F.C. Fehsenfeld, Measurement of soil nitrogen oxide emissions at three North American ecosystems, J. Geophys. Res., 96, 1033-1042, 1991.

Ryerson, T.B., M.P. Buhr, G.J. Frost, P.D. Goldan, J.S. Holloway, G. Hübler, B.T. Jobson, S.A. McKeen, D.D. Parrish, J.M. Roberts, D.T. Sueper, M. Trainer, J. Williams, and F.C. Fehsenfeld, Emissions lifetimes and ozone formation in power plant plumes, Journal of Geophysical Research, 103, 22,569-22,583, 1998.

Ryerson, T.B., M. Trainer, W.M. Angevine, C.A. Brock, R.W. Dissly, and F.C. Fehsenfeld, Effect of petrochemical industrial emissions of reactive alkenes and NOx on tropospheric ozone formation in Houston, Texas, Journal of Geophysical Research, 108(D8), DOI 10.1029/2002JD003070, 2003.

Nowak, J. B., D. D. Parrish, J. A. Neuman, J. S. Holloway, O. R. Cooper, T. B. Ryerson, D . K. Nicks Jr., F. Flocke, J. M. Roberts, E. Atlas, J. A. deGouw, S. Donnelly, E. Dunlea, G. Hübler, C. Warneke, and F. C. Fehsenfeld; Gas-phase chemical characteristics of Asian emission plumes observed during ITCT 2K2 over the eastern North Pacific Ocean, Journal of Geophysical Research, 109, (D23S19), DOI 10.1029/2003JD004488, 2004.

Brown, S.S., W.P. Dubé, H.D. Osthoff, J. Stutz, T.B. Ryerson, A.G. Wollny, C.A. Brock, C. Warneke, J.A. de Gouw, E. Atlas, J.A. Neuman, J.S. Holloway, B.M. Lerner, E.J. Williams, W.C. Kuster, P.D. Goldan, W.M. Angevine, M. Trainer, F.C. Fehsenfeld and A.R. Ravishankara, Vertical profiles in NO3 and N2O5 measured from an aircraft: Results from the NOAA P-3 and surface platforms during the New England Air Quality Study 2004, Journal of Geophysical Research, 112(D22304).