Platform: NASA Langley Mobile Laboratory Instruments

Instrument / MethodMeasurementType
LGRCO, CO2, H2OGas Phase
Licor 840CO2, H2OGas Phase
GR NO2 with O3 titrationNOxGas Phase
thermo scientificO3Gas Phase
TSI 3775, hot TSI3775Particle Number DensityAerosol Microphysics
TSI 3789Ultrafine Particle DensityAerosol Microphysics
TSI Optical Particle Spectrometer
Aerosol Size DistributionAerosol Microphysics
Air Photon Nephelometer3-λ ScatteringAerosol Optics
TSI3563 Nephelometer3-λ Scattering, f(RH)Aerosol Optics
3-wavelength CAPS3-λ ExtinctionAerosol Optics
Magee Scientific7-λ AbsorptionAerosol Optics
SPEXHyperspectral ExtinctiometerAerosol Optics
TAP3-λ Absorption PhotometerAerosol Optics
ARI dPAS-3, ARI dPASS, DMT PASS-33-λ Photo-Acoustic SpectrometersAerosol Optics
PTFE filters + ICAerosol Ionic CompositionAerosol Composition and Mass
PTFE filters + TOCAerosol WSOCAerosol Composition and Mass
quartz filters; sunset labs, ICPEC/OC, MetalsAerosol Composition and Mass
DMT SP2, MAAPBlack Carbon Mass and SizeAerosol Composition and Mass
MetOne E-BAMPM2.5Aerosol Composition and Mass
Teledyne T640PM2.5, PM10Aerosol Composition and Mass
Vaisala CL51 Ceiliometercloud/aerosol profilesAtmospheric Structure and Meteorology
Pandora Sun PhotometerAtmospheric Optical Depth, 280 – 660 nmAtmospheric Structure and Meteorology
AirMar 200WXWinds and Navigation ParametersAtmospheric Structure and Meteorology
Weather HawkIn Situ T, RH, P, windsAtmospheric Structure and Meteorology
SpeciesActive sampling techniqueCollection time per sample
Brown University
off-line Isotopic Analysis via IRMS
NOx15N)Basic KMnO4 Impinger1-2 hours
HONO (δ15N, δ18O, Δ17O)Annular denuder (carbonate)2-12 hours
NO215N, δ18O, Δ17O)Annular denuder (carbonate)2-12 hours
HNO315N, δ18O, Δ17O)Nylasorb filter2-12 hours
p-NO3-15N, δ18O, Δ17O)Teflon filter2-12 hours
NHx15N)Quartz filter3-24 hours
Measurement for concentration
HNO3 (online)Mist chamber–ion chromatography5 minutes
HONO (online)Mist chamber–ion chromatography5 minutes
Cl-, NO3-, SO42-, C2O42-, Na+, NH4+, K+, Mg2+, Ca2+ (offline)Fluoropore filter, Analysis by IC0.5-15 hours