Atmospheric Remote Sensing: Instruments

Airborne Aerosol Lidar (ABAEL)

ABAEL instrument
ABAEL instrument


ABAEL is designed to detect aerosol layers in the atmosphere from an aircraft. It is deployed for air quality missions to locate aerosol layers for in-situ sampling and for mapping the regional distribution of aerosols.

Basic parameters measured:

  • Aerosol backscatter

Typical Specifications

Wavelength355 nm, 15 mJ/pulse
Rep rate20 Hz
Dual Channel12 bit GAGE digitizer with 30 Msample/sec rate
Near Channel2" diameter 3 mRad field-of-view bi-axial configuration, designed to see from 120 m to 1 km
Far Channel10" diameter 1 mRad field of-of-view co-axial configuration, designed to see from 600 m to 8 km
DetectorsPMTs with 1 nm FWHM filters at 355 nm

Field Projects

Project NameDateLocation
ITCTIntercontinental Transport and Chemical Transformation of Anthropogenic Pollution 2k2200204 April - May 2002Monterey, California