ESRL/PSD Seminar Series

Acoustic Tomography of the Atmosphere

Vladimir Ostashev, NOAA ESRL, Physical Sciences Laboratory


Acoustic tomography of the atmosphere is based on measurements of travel times of sound propagation between different pairs of sources and receivers usually located a few meters above the ground on a horizontal scale of about 100 m. Then, the measured travel times are used as input parameters in an inverse algorithm for reconstruction of temperature and wind velocity fields. In this presentation, a short overview and current status of acoustic travel-time tomography of the atmosphere will be given. Furthermore, different inverse algorithms for reconstruction of temperature and velocity fields will be discussed, including a recently developed time-dependent stochastic inversion algorithm. The latter algorithm was used to reconstruct turbulent fields in acoustic tomography experiments carried out by scientists from University of Leipzig, Germany. Examples of the reconstructed fields will be presented. Finally, we will report on a progress in construction of an array for acoustic tomography of the atmosphere at the Boulder Atmospheric Observatory.

This work is in collaboration with Sergey Vecherin Physics Department, New Mexico State University.

PSL-South Conference Room (1D403)
Wednesday, 3 October 2007
2:00 pm Refreshments at 1:50 pm

SECURITY: If you are coming from outside the NOAA campus, please be advised that you will need an on-site sponsor. Please contact that person in advance of the seminar to be put on the list and allow 10 minutes extra on the day of the seminar. Please contact Joe Barsugli (303-497-6042) or Barbara Herrli (303-497-3876) at least a day before the seminar if you have any questions.