Helo September 7


Helo Albedo Flight
light fog + overcast, solar disc occasionally visible
TT, TCG, BE on board
Pilot - Robert Pelletier
Coordinates of 5 nm box:
GPS: Lat. Long. Hdg
A 79 43.21 161 36.8 near ship 110
B 79 41.59 161 10.52 20
C 79 46.28 161 00.96 290
D 79 47.99 161 27.49 200
Date: 9/7/98
Time: 10:26-about 12:00
Outline of flight plan
1a. Albedo Line 100' elevation
1b. Albedo Line 200' elevation
1c. Albedo line 50'
2. Albedo stack
every 20 feet from 20' to 220'
every 50 feet from 200'-400'
3. 5nm box to north and east of ship (coordinates given above)
first pass at 50'
second pass at 100'
4. N-S pass by ship on starboard side about 2? miles to the south
5. Hover over open water at 20 ft
Preflight intercalibration of ASD fibers files 000-005
10:26:30 takeoff Began recording before
10:30:00 start 100' pass on Albedo line, 42 kts takeoff
40-45 kt airspeed files 007-020 2 sec interval between scans; fog but ceiling OK
10:31:00 end line
10:32:57 start 200' pass on Albedo line, 42 kts 6 photos-5 sec
40-45kt, 210' files 021-035 2 sec interval;ceiling probably still OK
10:33:50 end line
10:36:00 start 50' pass on albedo line, 40 kts
30-35Kts, 60' airspeed files 036-057 2 sec interval; pushing the limit for the ceiling
10:37:20 end line
10:39:06 Albedo stack over center of line photos
Ascend 20' to 220' by 20' 60,80,140,300,400 files 058-062
Ascend 200' to 400' by 50' files 063-71
Begin 5 nmi box at Pt A at 50 ft elevation
10:42:50 start line from A to B at 50 ft elevation Interval 3 sec (using #2 channel time indicator)
10:44:20 50', 71 kts files 072-119
10:46:47 end line at B
10:50:28 start line from B to C Interval 3 sec (using #2 channel time indicator)
10:52:20 55', 66 kts files 120-176
10:54:58 end line at C
10:56:38 start line from C to D Interval 3 sec (using #2 channel time indicator)
10:58:45 60',57 kts files 177-237
11:01:58 end line at D
11:03:40 start line from D to A (ship) Interval 3 sec (using #2 channel time indicator)
11:06:45 50', 65 kts files 238-294
11:08:45 end line at A (over camp)
Begin 5 nmi box at Pt A 100 ft altitude
11:12:50 begin line at pt A ti B at 100' photo Interval 3 sec (using #2 channel time indicator)
11:15:00 100',  69kts photo files 296-345 295 - test
11:17:15 end line at Pt B photo
11:18:30 Begin next line from B to C photo Interval 3 sec (using #2 channel time indicator)
11:20:15 100', 65kts photo files 346-397
11:22:28 end line at C photo
11:24:10 begin line from C to D photo Interval 3 sec (using #2 channel time indicator)
11:26:30 100', 64 kts photo files 398-445
11:28:52 end line at D photo
11:30:00 start line from D to A photo Interval 3 sec (using #2 channel time indicator)
11:32:00 100', 70 kts photo files 446-483 Bad fog at 450 - stopped recording for about 30 sec
11:34:50 end line at A over camp photo
11:27:20 Poly 1 full
11:37:11 Begin northwest of camp heading SE photos at 5 sec
past camp intervals
50 ft, 41 kts about 12 photos files 484-506 Interval 3 sec (using #2 channel time indicator)
11:39:25 end line
Baltimore no longer here; it is close to
Pt B of 5 nmi box
11:41:40 hover over open water 20 ft files  507-510 water roughened with some whitecaps due to helo downwash
11:42:45 end hover
rest of film shot on video stopped before
11:46:05 land on ship return to ship landing - total elapsed time
1 h 21 m
Calibration of ASD after landing files 511-520


 Helo log






