HATS Harvard Forest

Harvard Forest, Massachusetts - HFM

Station Information

Latitude: 42.54° N Longitude: 72.18° W

Elevation: 340 m Time zone: UT - 6 hours

Telephone: (508) 724-3302

Fax: (508) 724-3595


Dr. David Foster
Harvard University
Harvard Forest
Post Office Box 68
Petersham, Massachusetts 01366

The site:

Harvard Forest is a 1200 hectares, aggrading, temperate, 50 to 70 year old, mixed deciduous forest with moderately hilly terrain. The physical plant includes Shaler Hall, a brick building with offices, research laboratories, seminar room, the Harvard Forest archives, a library of 22,000 volumes, and the Fisher Museum with panoramic displays. In addition, it has dormitory accomodations for twenty-five persons and dining room and kitchen facilities, photographic suite and darkroom, a graphics and mapping room, a projection and film analysis room for video microscopy, and micro computers. Also, there are two greenhouses, the Director's house (David Foster), and four residences for research staff and their families. Also, there's the woods crew of three men, the forest manager and their back-hoe, bulldozer, tractor, crawler, dump truck, flat bed truck, pick up and van, wood working shop, and a sawmill.

Non- HATS research is being conducted for some trace gases (NOx, NOy, NMHC, O3, CO2, ) and in the areas of organism-, community-,and ecosystem- level studies, tree physiology, plant development, forest microbiology, vegetation dynamics, disturbance processes, micrometeorolgy, and remote sensing.

HATS activities:

For the HATS baseline measurements, a 30 meter tower has been instrumented to measure numerous atmospheric trace gases (H2, CO, CH4, CFCs 12,11,113, H1211, N2O, SF6, methyl chloroform, chloroform, perchloroethylene, trichloroethylene, carbon tetrachloride.), wind speed and direction, humidity, temperature at various points above, in, and below the canopy. Currently, we have one ongoing project, named FACTS, employing one of our custom built, four-channel gas chromatographs ( HATS Instrumentation).

FACTS logo

view a large version of the FACTS logo by clicking on the thumbnail image!

Contacts for HATS activities:

Dr. James W. Elkins (principal investigator , NOAA)

Contacts for Harvard activities:

Prof. Michael B. McElroy (principal investigator, Harvard University)
+1 617 495 2351
+1 617 495 8839

Prof. Steven C. Wofsy (Harvard University)
+1 617 495 4566
+1 617 495 5192

Diana H. Barnes (graduate student, Harvard University)
+1 617 495 4551
+1 617 495 5192

All at:

Harvard University
Pierce Hall
20 Oxford Street
Cambridge, MA 02138

Visit the Northeast Regional Center of NIGEC (The National Institute for Global Environmental Change) at: http://nigec.ucdavis.edu/regions/noreast/