EBAS Configuration Directory

This directory contains the files controlling NASA-Ames data generated for export to EBAS by data.aggregate.ebas. The station specific instance is located at $DB/etc/$STATION/ebas, while the defaults are located at $DB/etc/ebas. Files within the station specific directory take the form of $TYPE.$STATION.conf, while those in the default location are of the form $TYPE.conf.

The general structure of the system is a series of file defining configuration values (over a time range) that are overlaid on top of one another. The default files is loaded first, followed by the station specific one, so any values set in the station specific one are used if they exist for a time, otherwise the default one is used.

data.aggregate.ebas first loads the type “global” then the files corresponding to the “record” it was called with, so calling it with “neph_L0_cut” would cause the global file “neph_L0_cut.conf” then the station specific “neph_L0_cut.$STATION.conf” to load. So the final loading sequence in this example would be:

  1. $DB/etc/ebas/global.conf
  2. $DB/etc/$STATION/ebas/global.$STATION.conf
  3. $DB/etc/ebas/neph_L0_cut.conf
  4. $DB/etc/$STATION/ebas/neph_L0_cut.$STATION.conf

Each of those files may trigger additional loading of other types, which follow the same default then station specific pattern.

The full specifications that EBAS requires are defined at:

Conventional Loading Sequence

The required loading sequence is as defined above, however most already defined instrument/record types use additional conventions. The standard overlay sequence (items further down the list take precedence) for the neph looks like:

  1. $DB/etc/ebas/global.conf - This contains global defaults, not specific to any instrument or station (e.x. default contact information).
  2. $DB/etc/$STATION/ebas/global.$STATION.conf - This contains station specific defaults not specific to an instrument (e.x. station location and contact information).
  3. $DB/etc/ebas/neph_L0_3w.conf - The definition of the contents of a 3-wavelength neph at level 0. This contains the actual variable definitions.
  4. $DB/etc/ebas/neph_L0.conf - The global default for neph_L0, which is to load the L0 definition of a 3-wavelength neph.
  5. $DB/etc/$STATION/ebas/neph_L0.$STATION.conf - This is often empty (that is, no effect), but when present it is used to define the times that the “contents” of an instrument where changed (e.x. it would be where the times a neph was changed from 4-wavelength to 3-wavelength).
  6. $DB/etc/ebas/cutsize.conf - Enables cutsize splitting.
  7. $DB/etc/ebas/neph_L0_cut.conf - All this does is trigger the loading of the neph_L0 and cutsize types.

Note that usually $DB/etc/$STATION/bas/neph_L0_cut.$STATION.conf is empty, as the global default is accurate (but that global default triggers the loading of the station specific neph_L0, which is used to set the times the neph changed).

Simple Example

The detailed format of the files is defined below. A common task for a station is to set the location and contact information. This is usually done by changing the station specific “global” type in $DB/etc/$STATION/ebas/global.$STATION.conf. For example, BND's global.conf looks like:

    StationWDCAName,"Bondville, Illinois"

    InletType,Hat or hood

What this specifies is a “block” of applied values, that apply to all time. That is, the first line defines a start and end time (both empty which is what the “,,” part is from) that are infinite, all values until the “END” are applied to that time range; so all those values are applied to all time. Each line defines a comma separated list, with the first value (leading whitespace is ignored) being the name of the value being set, and subsequent items are the value (most types only take one, but there are a few that accept multiple). The exact meaning of each line is defined below, but most are self explanatory. Take care that a few have a limited set of values (for example “StationSetting” and “WMORegion”). Others must follow certain conventions to be within the WDCA requirements, even if those are not strictly enforced (e.x. “Station” must be as supplied by EBAS).

In this case, there is no contact information present, since the global default (in $DB/etc/ebas/global.conf) is sufficient. A portion of that file looks like:



    OrganizationName,"National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration/Earth System Research Laboratory/Global Monitoring Division"
    OrganizationAddress1,"325 Broadway"
    OrganizationTown,"Boulder, CO"

    Projects,"GAW-WDCA NOAA-ESRL"

Which follows the same structure defined above, but this specified information that applies to all stations. Note that the various “…Name” fields take multiple arguments, in this case the last name followed by the first name.

The individual instrument configurations are more complex, but are generally sufficient to use as is with no direct changes. The only common change needed is to set the times a PSAP was transitioned between one and three wavelengths (this is needed because the system needs additional variable definitions on the 3-wavelength PSAP). The transition time is usually set by creating override files in $DB/etc/$STATION/ebas/psap_L[012].$STATION.conf, where “[012]” is one of the numbers 0, 1 or 2. All these files need to do is tell the system to overlay the correct PSAP loading definition at the correct times. For example, BND's psap_L0.bnd.conf looks like:


This tells the system to use the 1-wavelength definition up until 2006:53.82 (that is, the first time field is empty, so it is treated as undefined or infinite), then to use the 3-wavelength definition from that time onwards (the second time field is empty, so the end is undefined/infinite).

In the rare case when new variables or record types need to be defined, the overlay loading chain must eventually define a set of variable blocks. Each variable will be resolved to a column in the output file, and must define the needed parameters for that (see below). For example, the standard CPC level 0 concentration and source looks like:

,,GENERATOR,base,"data.get ${STATION} N61a,N61m,N71a,N71m ${START} ${END} raw"

    Description,"integral aerosol particle number concentration at internal instrument conditions, 1/cm3"

As usual, the first two fields of the block name are start and end time, once again undefined so this applies to all time. The first line defines the “generator” or the program called to create the CPD2 data stream that the final output will be constructed from, in most cases this will only need to be changed to set the record(s) and data sources. The variable block begins with the standard infinite start and end, and has a unique ID of “conc”. This is an internal name used to allow further overlay by variable name. The Source key defined the variable source, this is resolved to everything that matches in the input data. In this case that would generally be N_N61 and/or N_N71. The format is the output format in printf(2) form. The MVC is the code written when data is unavailable, which should match the format. The Description is the description field in the output format, note that this is usually required to be a specific value. The “CheckCompleteness” line flags this variable as being used to determine the completeness flag in the output.

Another common task is to set the assumed temperature and pressure for the CPC stp correction. This is done by creating cpc_L1.$STATION.conf and cpc_L2.$STATION.conf files for the station and adding the following:


The cpc_L2 file needs that and additional lines for the statistics:


The temperature can also be specified in Kelvin. Since these variables are already defined to use the fixed input STP correction, all that needs to be done is set the input values for it. These values should be calculated base on the nominal station pressure and temperature, modified by the specific CPC model in use.


Lines beginning with '#' are treated as comments. The format consists of a CSV separated list of key and value sets. There are two general structures in the file: blocks and single values. Both these take a start and end time in any convertible time format or may be left empty/“0” to specify unlimited. The start and end time are the first two fields, then the “type”. The type determines how the line is treated. If it is a block, then it may have additional arguments to that block, then any values withing that block (which ends with the line “End”) are applied for the time range of the block. If it is a single value then that value is applied for the given time range. The following types are recognized:

  • BLOCK - Begin a block of definitions, these definitions are applied to the entire range of the block. Takes no arguments.
  • VARIABLE - Begin a variable block definition. Takes a single argument of the internal name of the variable. Variables are overlaid based on their internal name.
  • GENERATOR - Specify a data generator. Take two arguments: the internal name and the command. Generators are overlaid based on their internal names. Global string substitutions are performed on the command. For example: “,,GENERATOR,base,data.get ${STATION} S11a ${START} ${END}” could be used to load data for the current station for the entire scope of the current file using the internal name “base”.
  • LOAD - For the given time range, load the only argument as the type. So “,,LOAD,cutsize” loads the type “cutsize” for the entire span of the current file.
  • Any definition key, taking as many arguments as it does.

Definition Block

This specifies a set of definition keys that are applied for the entire time range of the block. Continues until the key “End” is received. See below for the available definition keys.

Variable Block

This specifies the definition of a variable in the output file. Variables are overlaid based on their internal name. So a variable with the internal name “BaG” will replace any others loaded before with that same name, even if they have different parameters. The order in the output data is the order in the file that they appear in. The following keys are valid:

  • Name - The output name, defaults to the internal name. Variable string substitutions applied.
  • Source - A list of CPD2 variable names to get data from, if not fully resolved, will be resolved against the input data stream. The first one with a valid value is used at each time step.
  • Constant - A constant value for the variable.
  • Format - The output format, see sprintf(2). Variable string substitutions applied.
  • MVC - The MVC for the variable, should match the format. Variable string substitutions applied.
  • Description - The description of the variable. These must match exactly the “column titles” for EBAS data. Variable string substitutions applied.
  • [No]CheckCompleteness - Enable/Disable the completeness check on this variable. This causes this variable to be included in the % data present check for uniform data.
  • [No]Percentile - Enable (and set the fraction, 0.0-1.0) or disable this variable as the percentile of an average. So “Percentile,0.85” would output the 85th percentile within an average instead of the mean.
  • [No]Processing - Enable (and set the type) or disable special processing of this variable, see below.
  • ProcessingData - Set processing type dependent data.
  • [No]Cal/[No]Calibration - Enable (and set the coefficients) or disable a calibration polynomial on this variable. Take the form of “Offset;FirstOrder;SecondOrder…”
  • Disable/Enable - Override the enabled state of this variable. Disabled variables do not appear in the output.
  • RequireUncontaminated - Set the fraction of input data required to be uncontaminated for any value to be output. Defaults to 0.25 on level 2 and 0 otherwise.

In addition to the global substitutions for the keys mentioned above the following are also valid:

  • ${Wavelength:TYPE|DEFAULT} - The wavelength information for the input variable. Type must be either absent/“nm”/“wavelength” or “type”/“data”/“distribution” for the wavelength in nm or the data/distribution string, respectively. The default is used if the data is absent.

The following processing types are recognized:


Calculate Rayleigh scattering for a neph zero. The processing data consists of a set of “key:value” pairs, one for each CSV argument to it. The following keys are recognized:

  • Wavelength/WL - Override the wavelength in nm. By default this is inferred from the input variables.
  • Rayleigh/BWR - Set the Rayleigh scattering directly.


Calculate the neph zero scattering for a neph zero from the background scattering. The processing data consists of a set of “key:value” pairs, one for each CSV argument to it. The following keys are recognized:

  • Wavelength/WL - Override the wavelength in nm. By default this is inferred from the input variables.
  • Rayleigh/BWR - Set the Rayleigh scattering directly.
  • [No]Back/[No]Backscatter - Set this as total or backscattering. By default this is inferred from the input variables.


Adjust the value to STP as if it was at the given fixed temperature and pressure. The processing data consists of a comma separated temperature (in Celsius if less than 150, kelvin otherwise) and pressure (hPa).

General Keys

In all these the global superstitions listed below are valid.

  • [No]CutSplit - Enable/Disable cut size splitting of the data.
  • OriginatorName - Two fields, the last and first names of the data originator.
  • OriginatorEmail - The email address of the data originator.
  • OriginatorAffiliationName - The name of the organization the data originator is affiliated with. Defaults to the value of “OrganizationName”.
  • OriginatorAffiliationAcronym - The acronym of the organization the data originator is affiliated with. Defaults to the value of “OrganizationAcronym”.
  • OriginatorAffiliationUnit - The unit of the organization the data originator is affiliated with. Defaults to the value of “OrganizationUnit”.
  • OriginatorAffiliationAddress1/2 - The first/second lines address of the organization the data originator is affiliated with. Defaults to the value of “OrganizationAddress1/2”.
  • OriginatorAffiliationZIP - The zip/postal code of address of the organization the data originator is affiliated with. Defaults to the value of “OrganizationZIP”.
  • OriginatorAffiliationTown - The town of the organization the data originator is affiliated with. Defaults to the value of “OrganizationTown”.
  • OriginatorAffiliationCountry - The country of the organization the data originator is affiliated with. Defaults to the value of “OrganizationCountry”.
  • PrincipalInvestigator[N]Name - Two fields, the last and first names of the (Nth, defaulting to first) principal investigator
  • PrincipalInvestigator[N]Email - The email address of the (Nth, defaulting to first) principal investigator
  • PrincipalInvestigator[N]AffiliationName - The name of the organization the (Nth, defaulting to first) principal investigator is affiliated with. Defaults to the value of “OrganizationName”.
  • PrincipalInvestigator[N]AffiliationAcronym - The acronym of the organization the (Nth, defaulting to first) principal investigator is affiliated with. Defaults to the value of “OrganizationAcronym”.
  • PrincipalInvestigator[N]AffiliationUnit - The unit of the organization the (Nth, defaulting to first) principal investigator is affiliated with. Defaults to the value of “OrganizationUnit”.
  • PrincipalInvestigator[N]AffiliationAddress1/2 - The first/second lines address of the organization the (Nth, defaulting to first) principal investigator is affiliated with. Defaults to the value of “OrganizationAddress1/2”.
  • PrincipalInvestigator[N]AffiliationZIP - The zip/postal code of address of the organization the (Nth, defaulting to first) principal investigator is affiliated with. Defaults to the value of “OrganizationZIP”.
  • PrincipalInvestigator[N]AffiliationTown - The town of the organization the (Nth, defaulting to first) principal investigator is affiliated with. Defaults to the value of “OrganizationTown”.
  • PrincipalInvestigator[N]AffiliationCountry - The country of the organization the (Nth, defaulting to first) principal investigator is affiliated with. Defaults to the value of “OrganizationCountry”.
  • DataSubmitter[N]Name - Two fields, the last and first names of the (Nth, defaulting to first) data submitter.
  • DataSubmitter[N]Email - The email address of the (Nth, defaulting to first) principal investigator
  • DataSubmitter[N]AffiliationName - The name of the organization the (Nth, defaulting to first) data submitter is affiliated with. Defaults to the value of “OrganizationName”.
  • DataSubmitter[N]AffiliationAcronym - The acronym of the organization the (Nth, defaulting to first) data submitter is affiliated with. Defaults to the value of “OrganizationAcronym”.
  • DataSubmitter[N]AffiliationUnit - The unit of the organization the (Nth, defaulting to first) data submitter is affiliated with. Defaults to the value of “OrganizationUnit”.
  • DataSubmitter[N]AffiliationAddress1/2 - The first/second lines address of the organization the (Nth, defaulting to first) data submitter is affiliated with. Defaults to the value of “OrganizationAddress1/2”.
  • DataSubmitter[N]AffiliationZIP - The zip/postal code of address of the organization the (Nth, defaulting to first) data submitter is affiliated with. Defaults to the value of “OrganizationZIP”.
  • DataSubmitter[N]AffiliationTown - The town of the organization the (Nth, defaulting to first) data submitter is affiliated with. Defaults to the value of “OrganizationTown”.
  • DataSubmitter[N]AffiliationCountry - The country of the organization the (Nth, defaulting to first) pdata submitter is affiliated with. Defaults to the value of “OrganizationCountry”.
  • OrganizationLaboratory - The laboratory code of the organization sponsoring the data.
  • OrganizationName - The name of the organization sponsoring the data.
  • OrganizationAcronym - The acronym of the organization sponsoring the data.
  • OrganizationUnit - The unit of the organization sponsoring the data.
  • OrganizationAddress1/2 - The first/second lines of the address of the organization sponsoring the data.
  • OrganizationZIP - The ZIP/postal code of the address of the organization sponsoring the data.
  • OrganizationTown - The town of the address of the organization sponsoring the data.
  • OrganizationCountry - The country of the address of the organization sponsoring the data.
  • Station - The EBAS station code.
  • Platform - The EBAS platform code.
  • Projects - A space separated list of EBAS projects to insert the data into.
  • Laboratory - The EBAS laboratory code.
  • Level - The level of data.
  • SpecialComment[N] - The Nth (defaulting to first) special comment line.
  • Flags - A list of flags processing to apply (see below for valid types).
  • Interval - The interval to process data at. May have a multiplier suffix that is one of “w”, “d”, “h”, “mn”/“min”, “s” for weeks, days, hours, minutes or seconds, respectively. If absent or zero, defaults to irregular data.
  • Frequency - The expected data frequency. May have a multiplier suffix that is one of “w”, “d”, “h”, “mn”/“min”, “s” for weeks, days, hours, minutes or seconds, respectively. If absent or zero, defaults to one minute.
  • Regime - Regime code.
  • Component - EBAS component type.
  • Unit - Units of measurement.
  • Matrix - EBAS Matrix code.
  • Resolution - Resolution code, defaults to calculated from the interval or one minute if irregular.
  • SampleDuration - Sample duration code, defaults to calculated from the interval or one minute if irregular.
  • InstrumentType - Instrument type code, species what is being sampled.
  • InstrumentName - Instrument name, generally includes manufacturer and model information.
  • InstrumentSerial - Instrument serial number.
  • InstrumentModel - Instrument model name.
  • InstrumentManufacturer - Instrument manufacturer name.
  • Method - Method reference code.
  • ExternalLab - External lab code.
  • ExternalMethod - External method code.
  • AddQualifier - Lower level instrument sample rate, defaults to calculated from the frequency.
  • ExternalFile - External file reference.
  • StationWDCAID - Station WDCA ID code.
  • StationWDCAName - Station WDCA name.
  • StationGAWID - Station GAW ID, defaults to the upper case station code.
  • StationAIRSID - Station AIRS ID.
  • StationOtherIDs - The acronym of the network issuing the ID should be stated in parentheses following the ID.
  • StationState/StationProvince - The state/province that the station is located in.
  • Latitude - Given in decimal degrees following WGS84, three digits right of decimal point. Positive values for northern latitudes.
  • Longitude - Given in decimal degrees following WGS84, three digits right of decimal point. Positive values for eastern longitudes.
  • Altitude - Ground level altitude above mean sea level at station in meters (m).
  • InletHeightAGL - Inlet height above ground level.
  • VolumeStdT - Standard temperature for volumes, may either be “ambient” or the actual temperature. Defaults to “273.15K”.
  • VolumeStdP - Standard pressure for volumes, may either be “ambient” or the actual pressure. Defaults to “1013.25hPa”.
  • DetectionLimit - Detection limit for the measurement.
  • DetectionLimitDescription - Description of how the detection limit was determined.
  • MeasurementUncertainty - Measurement uncertainty of the main variables.
  • MeasurementUncertaintyExplaination - Description of how the measurement uncertainty was determined.
  • ZeroNegativeCode - The identifier code specifying if zero and/or negative values are possible. One of: “zero possible”, “zero/negative possible”, or “zero/negative impossible”.
  • ZeroNegativeDescription - Explanation of zero or negative values in the data.
  • Acknowledgment - Acknowledgment string.
  • Comment - Comment string.
  • StandardMethod - Methods involved in data. Values for a TSI neph include: “cal-gas=CO2+AIR_truncation-correction=none”, “cal-gas=CO2+AIR_truncation-correction=Anderson1998”, and “cal-gas=FM-200+AIR_truncation-correction=none”. Values for a RR PSAP include: “Single-angle_Correction=none”, “Single-angle_Correction=Weiss”, and “Single-angle_Correction=Bond1999”.
  • LandUse - Station land use, one of: “Agricultural”, “Airport”, “Blighted area”, “Commercial”, “Desert”, “Forest”, “Industrial”, “Military reservation”, “Mobile”, “Remote Park”, “Residential”, “Single point source area”, “Snowfield”, “Urban park”, “Other”, “Not available”.
  • StationSetting - Station setting, one of: “Mountain”, “Polar”, “Coastal”, “Rural”, “Suburban”, “Urban and center city”, “Other”, “Not available”.
  • GAWType - Station GAW type, one of: G (for global), R (for regional), and C (for contributing).
  • WMORegion - WMO region code, one of: 1 (Africa), 2 (Asia), 3 (South America), 4 (North and Central America), 5 (South-West Pacific), 6 (Europe), 7 (Antarctica)
  • InletType - Inlet type, one of: “Cyclone”, “Diffuser cone”, “Elutriator”, “Hat or hood”, “Impactor–direct”, “Impactor–virtual/concentrator”, “Impactor–elutriator combination”, “Isokinetic”, “None–open-face filter”, “Open conductive tubing”, “Selective filtration”, “Canister valve opening”, “Filter in front of sampling line”, “Open sampling line”, “Stacked filters”, “Downward-facing conductive tube”, “Not applicable”, “Pending assignment”.
  • InletDescription - Description of the inlet.
  • TRHControl - Temperature/RH control type, one of: “Diffusion dryer”, “Humidification”, “Humidification with temperature condition at ambient”, “Humidification with temperature conditioning at 50 deg. C”, “Manual control (see metadata)”, “Nafion dryer”, “Nafion dryer with temperature conditioning at 30 deg. C”, “Temperature conditioning at 20 deg. C”, “Temperature conditioning at 25 deg. C”, “Temperature conditioning at 30 deg. C”, “Temperature conditioning at 40 deg. C”, “Temperature conditioning at 50 deg. C”, “Temperature conditioning at ambient”, “Temperature controlled”, “Heating to 40% RH, limit 40 deg. C”, “Other (see metadata)”, “None”, “Not applicable”, “Pending assignment”.
  • TRHControlDescription - Description of temperature/RH control.
  • Medium - Sample medium for filter based, offline measurements, one of: “Cellulose”, “Cellulose+nylon”, “Glass fiber”, “Nylazorb”, “Nylon”, “PUF (Polyurethane foam)”, “Quartz”, “Quartz+glass fiber”, “Teflon”, “Teflon-coated glass”, “Teflon-coated quartz”, “Teflon membrane”, “Teflon+nylon”, “Filter–other”, “Filters–multiple not impregnated (see metadata)”, “Filters–multiple impregnated (see metadata)”, “Filters–multiple–combination of impregnated and non-impregnated (see metadata)”, “Charcoal”, “Coating or absorbing solution”, “Gold”, “Impaction surface”, “PUF (Polyurethane foam)”, “Silica”, “Tenax”, “XAD”, “Filter(s)+PUF (Polyurethane foam)”, “Filter(s) and impaction surface”, “Not applicable”.
  • Coating / Solution - Sample coating / solution type, one of: “Citric acid”, “DCM”, “DNPH (Dinitrophenyl hydrazine)”, “H2O2”, “H2SO4”, “K2CO3”, “KCl”, “KOH”, “Na2CO3”, “NaCl”, “NaF”, “Nal”, “NaOH”, “Oxalic acid”, “Water”, “None”, “Not applicable”.
  • LabAnalyticalMethod - Lab analytical method, mostly for offline chemical measurements. One of: “AAS (Atomic absorption spectrometer)”, “Analytical balance”, “Atomic force microscopy”, “Capillary electrophoresis”, “Colorimetry–Greiss”, “Colorimetry–indophenol”, “Colorimetry–salicylate”, “Colorimetry–Thorin”, “Cytokine response”, “Fluorescence–other (see metadata)”, “FTIR (Fourier transform infrared spectrometer)”, “GC (Gas chromatograph)”, “GC-ECD (Gas chromatograph with electron capture detection)”, “GC/MS (Gas chromatograph/mass spectrometer)”, “GC-PDD (Gas chromatography with pulse discharge detection)”, “IBA (Ion beam analysis)”, “IC (Ion chromatograph)”, “ICP/AES (Inductively coupled plasma–atomic emission spectrometry)”, “ICP/MS (Inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometry)”, “INAA (Instrumental neutron activation analysis)”, “IRMS (Isotope ratio mass spectrometry)”, “Infrared absorption”, “IR/MS (Infrared mass spectrometer)”, “Isotope ratio mass spectrometer”, “Laser-induced fluorescence”, “LC (Liquid chromatograph)”, “LC/MS (Liquid chromatograph/mass spectrometry)”, “Mass spectrometer”, “Microbalance”, “Oxidation conversion to CO2”, “PESA (Proton Elastic Scattering Analysis)”, “pH meter”, “PIXE (Particle induced X-ray excitation)”, “Raman spectroscopy”, “Reactive oxygen species response”, “Scanning electron microscopy–computer controlled operation”, “Scanning electron microscopy–manual operation”, “SXRF (Synchotron X-ray fluorescence)”, “Thermal analysis of liquid samples”, “Thermooptical reflection”, “Thermooptical transmission”, “Transmission EM (Electron microscopy)”, “XRF (X-ray fluorescence)”, “Not applicable”.
  • SamplePreparation - Sample preparation method, mostly for offline chemical measurements. One of: “Acid digestion”, “Acid extraction”, “Base extraction”, “Filtration”, “Fractionation by sequential extraction”, “Organic extraction”, “Temperature and humidity equilibration”, “Thermal desorption”, “Total digestion”, “Water extraction”, “Water+base extraction”, “Not applicable”.
  • BlankCorrected - Blank correction method, mostly for offline chemical measurements. One of: “Blank corrected”, “Not blank corrected”, “Not applicable”.

Global String Substitutions

As noted above various keys can have specific strings replaced in them with values loaded from other sources, the following replacements are available:

  • ${Instruments:LIST:TYPE|DEFAULT} - Data from the instrument segmentation. The list must consist of one or more (separated by “;”) instrument type, for example “S11”. The type is optionally one of “mfgr”/“manufacturer” (the default, for the manufacturer at the given time), “model”/“type” (for the instrument model/type information, for example “3563” for TSI nephs), or “sn”/“serial”/“serialnumber” (for the serial number). If the information is not available then the optional default is inserted instead.
  • ${Cut:Fine:Coarse} - If in the fine/PM1 fork of cut split data, insert the string specified by the “Fine” argument, otherwise use the coarse one.
  • ${STATION} - The lower case DB station code.
  • ${STATIONUC} - The upper case DB station code.
  • ${START} - The start (of the applicable segment, not necessarily of the entire data set), in epoch time.
  • ${END} - The end (of the applicable segment, not necessarily of the entire data set), in epoch time.
  • ${GlobalKey} - The value of the given global key.
  • ${EBASStation} - EBAS station ID.