
data.wx.pass does the final processing and archiving of edited MET data to clean approved data. It is given a time range to be passed and updates the clean archive with data in that time range.

In basic functionality data.pass pipes the output of data.get for edited data into the clean archive, with data.archive.put. However, this is entirely hidden; it requires only the time range to pass as its input.

It requests a comment (optional) regarding this interval. This comment can contain any notes relevant to the interval being passed (system status, etc).

It will only pass the “wx” record into the clean archive.

Command Line Usage

data.wx.pass [--comment] [--update] [station] start [end]


start and end

The time specifiers for the data to be retrieved. Start is inclusive while end is exclusive, so all data contained within the half open interval [start,end) will be returned. If a single Year/week pair is specified, the end is assumed to be the start plus 7 days. Any convertible time format is accepted.


The station identifier code. For example 'brw'. Case insensitive.


Prompt for a comment on this interval.


Immediately run data.aggregate.station, this will cause any clean aggregate jobs (like data.aggregate.updateavg to update hourly averages) to be run.

MET Specific Corrections

  • data.wx.get applies frostpoint/dewpoint corrections on ingest (polynomial correction only active when the dewpoint is less than zero) and removes wind data when the wind gust field is > 100.0.
  • CPX2 has standard mentor edits for climatology limits.
  • data.edit.recalculate recalculates the relative humidity from the dewpoint and removes dewpoint values when they are sufficiently greater than the ambient temperature.

Example Usage

Default one week

data.wx.pass bnd 2008W02

Exact time range

data.wx.pass bnd 2008:10 2008:12