
data.edit.wl interpolates a set of scatterings or absorptions at a source set of wavelengths to a target set of wavelengths. It attempts to infer the source and target wavelengths from the names given.

By default it will attempt to adjust any inputs it is given to the TSI Neph wavelengths (R, G, and B in symbolic names).

There are two modes of operation, the first is the fully automatic mode used from within the environment set up by data.edit.get. The second is manual invocation.

Command Line Usage

data.edit.wl [--source=wl1,wl2,wl3...] [--target=wl1,wl2,wl3...[-angstrom[,limit]]] 
             [--inputs=Var1,Var2...] [--outputs=Var1,Var2...]



Specify the source wavelengths (the wavelengths that the input variables are at). The number of wavelengths must match the number of input variables. Defaults to whatever is found in the input stream.


Specify the target wavelengths (the wavelengths to adjust the outputs to). The number of wavelengths must be less than or equal to the number of inputs.

If the argument contains a '-' then everything after the dash is treated like the argument '–angstrom' below.


List of input variable names to use.


List of output variables to put results into.


Set a fixed angstrom exponent to use when interpolation or extrapolation is not possible. The limit is a fraction of the original wavelength that defines how far the extrapolation is valid for. For example the default of 0.1 applied to 530 nm gives a valid range of 477 to 583nm. Setting the limit to zero allows for unlimited extrapolation.

Example Usage

Adjust input data to TSI Neph wavelengths

data.get sgp S11a,A11a 2008:10 2008:11 | data.edit.wl

Adjust PSAP3W wavelengths to TSI Neph wavelengths

data.get sgp S11a,A11a 2008:10 2008:11 | data.edit.wl --target=450,550,700

Override detected input wavelengths and only adjust blue and green

data.get sgp S11a,A11a 2008:10 2008:11 | data.edit.wl --source=410,520 --target=450,550 --inputs=BsB_S11,BsG_S11

Adjust single wavelength data based on a Angstrom fixed exponent

data.get kps A11a 2012-10-01 1d | data.edit.wl --target=550 --angstrom=1