
data.edit.dilution applies dilution corrections based on dilution.conf. If the configuration file is empty or defines no corrections for the time range in question, it does nothing.

There are two modes of operation, the first is the fully automatic mode used from within the environment set up by data.edit.get. The second is manual invocation.

Command Line Usage

When invoked manually:

data.edit.dilution [--printmissing] [--addfactor] [--config=file] 
                   station records start end [source]

From withing data.edit.get:

data.edit.dilution [--printmissing] [--addfactor] [--config=file] 


start and end

The time specifiers for the data to be retrieved. Start is inclusive while end is exclusive, so all data contained within the half open interval [start,end) will be returned. Any convertible time format is accepted.


The station identifier code. For example 'brw'. Case insensitive.


The cpd2 record type to be retrieved. For example: 'S11a'. Case sensitive. Multiple record types may be separated by “,”, “;” or “:”. The results will be interwoven in time. Note that this is a single argument and that spaces are not allowed.


Set source archive to request data from, defaulting to raw. May also be “-” to read from standard input (NOTE: ensure that all necessary flows are contained in the input stream).


As processing proceeds, output a line on standard error whenever there is insufficient information (usually missing flows) to perform the correction.


Add the dilution factor to all output records. This is normally used in conjunction with data.aggregate.ebas for level 0 data.


Set the configuration file to use instead of the default in $DB/stn/$STATION/dilution.$STATION.conf

Correction methodology

All parameters defined as needing corrections by the configuration file are multiplied by the correction factor:

  Fdil = Qtot/Qsam = Qtot/(Qtot-Qdil)

Where Qtot is the total flow of the diluted stream, Qsam is the inlet sample flow, and Qdil is the flow of the diluting stream.

Qtot is equal to the sum of the flows through all instruments sampling from the diluter. Some of the flows used to calculate this are provided in STP flow rates, in those cases a pressure and temperature are required. The usual source for those is the Neph pressure and inlet temperature. Additionally if there are records with no variables that need correction, but that specify a flow rate being picked off the total, they must be present, but simply not specify any variables to apply the correction factor to. An example case for this is if the CN drier is using diluted flow, then the uMAC record with its flow should be present but with no variables to correct.

Example Usage

data.edit.dilution amf S11a 2008:100 2008:101